Install Pymongo
This will install MongoDB, start the mongod daemon, and ensure that the daemon starts when the system is booted. Installing PyMongo. As mentioned Python3 is installed by default, but you can confirm this with $ python3 --version. From the command line–it should return “Python 3.4.0”. The script is using python3, but pymongo is installed only in Python2.7 - you need to install it for the correct version of Python you are using.
Flask-PyMongo is a different package than PyMongo. It looks like you've only installed PyMongo, but are trying to use Flask-PyMongo in your application. It looks like you've only installed PyMongo, but are trying to use Flask-PyMongo in your application. Installing / Upgrading¶ PyMongo is in the Python Package Index. Do not install the “bson” package from pypi. PyMongo comes with its own bson package; doing “pip install bson” or “easy_install bson” installs a third-party package that is incompatible with PyMongo. To install PyMongo on these systems with C extensions. We install PyMongo with pip. Creating a MongoDB database The mongo tool is an interactive JavaScript shell interface to MongoDB, which provides an interface for systems administrators as well as a way for developers to test queries and operations directly with the database.
I am currently trying to install MongoDB driver for Python on my Mac OS X (mavericks).
But when I run
I get the following output
More information about apt-get install. Advanced Package Tool, or APT, is a free software user interface that works with core libraries to handle the installation and removal of software on Debian, Ubuntu and other Linux distributions. Then download the Python driver which is called the 'pymongo' drivers. Then follow the following steps for the installation. Step 1) Launch the Installer and click on the Next button. Step 2) The installer will detect an existing Python installation. Click on the Next button to proceed. Install Robomongo- MongoDB Management Tool.
I try a lot of different commands, but nothing work. How to install pymongo ?
Thanks for your help
Edit: When I try to use it in a python script
I have this error
Markus W Mahlberg10 Answers
JayramJayramI have same error , and I can fix it following command.
Try this. but this command for Ubuntu 14.04 OX.not sure is this work in Max OS X.
umaumaInstalling pymongo goes very simple
Make sure that python is installed already in your machine.If not check here for quick installation.
Update using yum
Download the pip using curl:
Install pip command using python
Install pymongo using pip
JERRYJERRYyou can use these commands
To get a specific version of pymongo:
To upgrade using pip:
To use easy_install from setuptools do:
To upgrade do:
I think you can download the .egg file here and install with
Rob♦Crack a rat impractical jokers. On Ubuntu 18.04,
For this, the version of the pip should be less than or the same as 9.0.1.
First of all, install the pip for python version 3 from-
and check pip version-
after that, we have to install build-essential for python-dev
and python setup-tools
And finally, we are able to install pymongo by following command-
It worked for me, may it will work for you too.
I'm running python 2.7.12 on Rasbian Jesse. After running:
Total war warhammer 2. Revolt also known as 'RVT', ran by the very public head of their forum, Voski_Bulgarian who does most Steam fix announcements, has it's main focus set on repacking and providing online focused cracks; started sometime around 2013 which marks about when their official domain was created Total.War.WARHAMMER.II.V1.4.1.Multiplayer.Fix-REVOLT (121 MB), allowing multiplayer via Steam is available in NoDVD folder after installation Both cracks come in two variants, V1 is for modern CPUs, while V2 is for older ones. Total.War.WARHAMMER.V1.6.0.Steamworks.Fix-REVOLT available in NoDVD folder after installation, enabling multiplayer support via Steam with same crack users NOTHING ripped, NOTHING re-encoded Selective download feature: you may skip downloading and installing of language packs you don’t need. Please register for Total War Access to use the forums. If you're an existing user, your forum details will be merged with Total War Access if you register with the same email or username. Total War: WARHAMMER II is a strategy game of titanic proportions. Choose from four unique, varied factions and wage war your way – mounting a campaign of conquest to save or destroy a vast and vivid fantasy world.
The following command reveals that the pymongo module exists under /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/
One methods that works is to append the sys path with the location of the pymongo module:
Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged pythonpymongo or ask your own question.
We would explain the installation of MongoDB in steps. Before you install, I would suggest everyone use ide spyder, Anaconda.
Step 1 -> Install the community Edition
Installation Link
Step 2 -> Run the installed MongoDB windows installer package that you just downloaded.
MongoDB get installed here->
Step 3 -> Let’s set MongoDB environment
- (a) Create data directory where all data is stored.
On C: drive create a folder data inside it create a folder db
Run - (b) To start MongoDB
Run ->Wait till the connection message appears
(c) Verify Environment Path or set path if not correctly set
Open environment variables, you can search this by windows search.Open Environment Variable under the System variables section open Path.
This would look like this.
Add the path of bin folder as shown in the image above.(d) To Connect to MongoDB
Open other command prompt and run->
Step 4-> Ready MongoDB
Open Command Prompt(Admin mode) type->
NOTE : Till step 4 MongoDB will work only when the Command Prompt is open and it’s listening.
Now we’ll see Extension to make it better.
Below steps from step 5 to step 8 are optional :
Step 5-> Open command prompt and run-
Step 6-> Create a configuration file at C:Program FilesMongoDBServer3.4mongod.cfg (name of file mongod.cfg)
This can be created and saved in Admin mode of Notepad or Notepad++ or any other editor to run notepad admin mode press Ctrl + Shift + Enter. Admin mode of notepad will let you create mongod.cfg and save above text file.
Step 7 -> Install the MongoDB service by starting mongod.exe with the –install option and the -config option to specify the previously created configuration file.
Now run this command on command prompt
Step 8-> To start & stop MongoDB run
To start :
To stop :

NOTE : ALL commands are run on Command Prompt Admin mode, to open command prompt Admin Mode either open normal command prompt and press Ctrl+Shift+Enter or Right click on left windows icon start button where you can see the options.
Step 9 -> Open Anaconda Command Prompt as shown in the image.
Step 10 -> Install package to use MongoDB
To install this package with conda run:
Congratulations!! Installation completed.( Pymongo works only when MongoDB is started, use net start MongoDB to start it and then work on spyder)
You can study and understand MongoDB in python here.
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