Supreme Commander Forged Alliance Keygen

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  • Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance The last days of man are at hand. Two years after the Infinite War the once great warring nations now lie in ruins, and humanity’s hope for a brighter future is nothing but a bitter memory.
  • Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance will also function as a standalone game in its own right, will bring a broad variety of extra features to the original title. There's an all-new single player campaign, a myriad of innovative multiplayer features, more maps, one entirely new faction and over 100 new units: meaning fully realised navies, orbital weaponry and advanced counter intelligence technologies.

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Enable cheats in the skirmish/multiplayer screen. Then during game-play press one the following key combinations:
CTRL + K - Kill Selected Unit
ALT + F2 - Spawn Any Unit
CTRL + N - Name Your Unit
CTRL + SHIFT + C - Copy Unit/Structure
CTRL + SHIFT + V - Paste Unit/Structure
ALT + LEFT CLICK UNIT - Change to Enemy Perspective
ALT + N - God Mode No Damage
CTRL + ALT + B - 10000 Mass/Energy/Storage
ALT + T - Teleport Selected Unit
Typed cheats
Press ~ (tilde) to display the console and type one of the following codes:
Kill - Kill unit or building with death animation
Destroy - Kill unit or building without death animation
Quit - Return to main menu
WLD_resetsimrate - Set game speed to default
Show act - Show/hides extra information at the left edge of screen
IN_DumpKeyNames - Shows all key bindings
SetFocusArmyPlayer <-1 to 7> - Take over other player; -1 is spectators.
Teleport - Teleport selected units to pointer location
Nodamage - Toggle all units cause no more damage
SallyShears - Toggle full map
PopupCreatUnitMenu - Unit creation menu
ai_freebuild - Units and buildings are immediately build, research immediately completed
ai_instabuild - Units, buildings, and research do not cost anything
KillAll - All units and building on killed with death animations
DestroyAll - All units and building on killed without death animations
IN_BindKey <key or combo> - Assign console command to key(s)
WLD_gamespeed <-10 to 10> - Change game speed
Sim_gravity <number> - Change gravity; 4,9 is default.
SetArmyColor <name> <r,g,b> - Change the player color
DamageUnit <number> - Damage indicated unit; use negative value to heal it.
WLD_decreasesimrate - Decrease game speed by 1
Exit - Exit to Windows
RenameUnit <name> - Give name to selected unit
WLD_increasesimrate - Increase game speed by 1
BlingBling - Increase your storage capacity for all raw materials by 10,000 and fills camps completely
Enable cheats in Campaign mode
To enable the above cheats in Campaign mode do the following:
In your game.prefs file (C:Documents and Settings{username}Local SettingsApplication DataGas Powered GamesSupremeCommander Forged AllianceGame.prefs) where {username} is your username, add the following entry:
debug = {
enable_debug_facilities = true
Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance-Repack
Mirrors: MediaFire Zippyshare

FREE Download PC Game Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance Full Version - Nearing the last days of humanity. It was two years after the Infinite War. Forces of the once great nations are exhausted to the ground, and the hope of the people for a bright future - a bitter memory. New seem invincible enemy, supported the Order fanatics seek to destroy humanity in the face of GRF, supporters Aeona and Cybran. Pressed against the wall and staring into the abyss, defeated remnants of the people should forget about the old feuds and unite in preparation for the last desperate resistance. The latter is the only chance. The new alliance - an alloy of blood, steel and hope gets in the way of darkness.

Minimum System Requirements
  • OS: Windows XP/Vista
  • Processor: Pentium 4 @ 1.8 GHz
  • Memory: 512 Mb
  • Hard Drive: 8 Gb free
  • Video Memory: 128 Mb
  • Video Card: GeForce 6000 / better
  • Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
  • DirectX: 8
  • Keyboard
  • Mouse
  • DVD Rom Drive

Recommended System Requirements
  • OS: Windows XP/Vista
  • Processor: Pentium 4 @ 3 GHz
  • Memory: 1 Gb
  • Hard Drive: 8 Gb free
  • Video Memory: 256 Mb
  • Video Card: GeForce 6800 / better
  • Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
  • DirectX: 9.0c
  • Keyboard
  • Mouse
  • DVD Rom Drive

Link download
Mirror via MediaFire
  • Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance-Repack - (2.86GB)
ForgedMirror via Zippyshare
  • Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance-Repack - (2.86GB)
Rar password:
1. Rename part.kos to part.rar:
- Name_file.part1.kos to Name_file.part1.rar

Supreme Commander Forged Alliance Keygen Crack

- Name_file.part2.kos to Name_file.part2.rar
- etc.
2. Unrar
3. Mount or Burn
4. Run Setup.exe
5. Play the game
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Supreme Commander Forged Alliance Keygenguru

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Supreme Commander Forged Alliance Cd Keygen

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