Rtl8188ce Windows 10 Driver
- Realtek Rtl8188ce Windows 10 Not Working
- Realtek Wifi Driver Windows 10
- Realtek Rtl8188ce Windows 10 Driver
- Realtek Rtl8188ce Windows 10 Driver
H50-50 Desktop (Lenovo) Please Select. Back Windows 7 (64-bit). Realtek RTL8188CE wifi adapter Has anyone been able to connect to the internet after upgrading to windows 10 with this wifi adapter? I have a HP/Compaq Presairo CQ57 with a realtech RTL8188CE wireless card. Updates for the driver are no longer supported and the newest one that I can find does not list Windows 10. My question is the there another alternative wireless adapter that is recommended for this laptop configuration that does support a Windows 10 driver? Realtek RTL8188CE wifi adapter. Step 2: Go to the Computer or Network Card manufacturer’s website and search for the latest Windows 10 drivers available for the Network Card model and then install it by following the instructions given in the website.
Symptoms: Web-sites load like it is '94. Internet speeds at 34K.
Wifi USB adapter Model: Realtek RTL8188CU
Steps already taken:

Checked Realtek Website- no Win10 drivers available.
Downloaded Win 8 drivers from Realtek website(on advice from random forums), tried to install with setup.exe file--- requires reboot. When reboots, crashes Win10.. takes several hard kills, reboots, etc. Just to get Win10 booted up again. no change in drivers (doesn't look like they stick)
Used configuration manager to uninstall the Microsoft driver (that it says is from 10/1/2015). Reboot. When Win10 comes back- no change in performance, same default driver from after the upgrade is automatically back
Turned off the Microsoft update cloud sharing, or whatever you want to call it (p2p features). Confirmed I am not using up bandwidth by uploading things for windows.
Location services turned off
All p2p turned off
Current WIFI speeds are a steady 34K. yes, you read that right, as in slower than a 90's 56K modem, 34K.
All other computers on wifi network perform at normal 50MBps speeds from cable service provider. Guitar pro 6 serial number.
So, kind community, I humbly ask if anyone knows why Windows 10 would make this USB wifi adapter stop working at correct speed as it had been working absolutely fine with Win 7 Pro. As you can see I've tried all suggestions I've found on the net spending 6+ hours scouring search results, forums, etc.
I was going to buy a new one, but seems like some people from August, have this same problem not change after buying several different brands. Also, when you google 'Win 10 compatible USB wifi adapter. Literally nothing comes up.'
Realtek Rtl8188ce Windows 10 Not Working
Thoughts? Suggestions? Fixes? Advice?
Realtek Wifi Driver Windows 10

Realtek Rtl8188ce Windows 10 Driver
At this point I'm thinking roll back , but I really wanted to use Win 10 and like several other features so it would be stinky to not do it. Plus, I don't want to have to pay for Win 10 if they stop giving it for free, so am hesitant to roll back when that cutoff point could be any time.