Insten Sim Card Reader Driver

  1. Cothsimrdx01 Driver

SIM Card Reader Quickstart guide Getting ready. Hp laserjet 5 driver. Further, you can find various resources related to SIM Card Reader and SIM Manager by exploring the links on the products’ pages. SIM Card Reader driver for Windows 9x, 2000, XP, Vista, Seven (32 and 64-bit). USB SIM Card Reader (COM8) - driver downloads driver-category list The moment USB SIM Card Reader (COM8) gets bad a large number of negative effects may become apparent, not the smallest of which is often a slow or declining internet association.

Cothsimrdx01 Driver

As a product, i dont know how it works, or IF it works. The issue is with the Windows driver for the chipset PL2303 HX by Prolific, and loaded and used in Windows 8, 8.1, and 10 . When windows loads the driver, if you look in Windows Hardware Manager and look at the prolific theres a yellow triangle with an explination point in it, and an error 10 'device will not start' . Im going to try and track down one of my old XP computers to try, or try and find an android application..
My suggestion, bitch at Microsoft, and Prolific, for their screw ups. Just stop buying anything with Prolific chips in them. I have read a lot about this this weekend, including on Prolific website, prolific will not correct the driver for Windows 10 . I also read if you upgraded from wim 7 that you might have an old driver that might work. Ver .. dont know, i couldnt find it.
After doing further research, i found that i cant locate a windows driver that works, nor can i find any software that works with this device. I suggest NO ONE BUY THIS AND I SUGGEST AMAZON STOP ALLOWING THESE DEVICES BE SOLD on Amazon UNTIL THIS ISSUE IS RESOLVED AND A PROPER DRIVER, AND OR ANDROID APPLICATION BE FOUND THAT WILL WORK WITH THESE DEVICES !
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