Install Cuda Ubuntu 16.04
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Today, I screwed up my Ubuntu, again. One thing I learned while I have been being used Ubuntu is that, reinstalling Ubuntu can be much faster than stucking in a difficult problem which might not be able to be solved forever. Today, after realizing all environment variables are screwed, I quickly reinstalled Ubuntu 16.04 (rather than Ubuntu 14.04!) and set up the environment for machine learning research as follows.
I am leaving my records for myself as well as for those who also need a manual to quickly setup Ubuntu 16.04. Before starting the installations, I would like to remark that the shortcuts of copy / paste
in terminal(Ctrl+T
) are Ctrl+Shift+C
rather than Ctrl+C
. You can copy and paste the following example codes for your installation except for specific filenames.
All notes are written based on python 2. For installing on python 3 rather than python 2, you may need little changes such as using pip3
and python3
instead of pip
and python
Install commands
- pip installation
- To keep up your up-to-date system, run the followings evertime you install any packages
Nvidia Driver
- [Warning] This is the most dangerous part in Ubuntu setting. Installing a wrong driver can make fatal errors for your system, e.g., infinite login loop. Thus, make sure to backup all your important files before installation.
[Warning] Don’t install Nvidia graphic driver by using, e.g.,
sudo apt-get install nvidia-361
- I followed this article for Nvidia driver installation.
- First, download a Nvidia driver file which is compatible with your graphic card from here.
- You need to block nouveau before installing the driver. Make a new .config file as follows.
- Now, you need to reboot and log into tty mode. You can access tty mode via Ctrl+Alt+F1.
- If you face with fatal errors (e.g. infinite login loop), try to login tty mode(Ctrl+Alt+F1) and delete the all nvidia files by
sudo apt-get purge nvidia*
CUDA and cuDNN for Ubuntu 14.04
- CUDA for Ubuntu 16.04 is not released yet. I found an [article][L_CUDA_16.04] for installing CUDA on Ubuntu 16.04, but I don’t recommend it because it is too dangerous (or challenging).
- You may refer to the CUDA installation guide given by the official Tensorflow website.
- First, download a CUDA installation file(.deb) from [here][]
See also: NVIDIA CUDA with Ubuntu 16.04 beta on a laptop (if you just cannot wait) Notes: Yes, there is the possibility to install it via apt-get install cuda. I strongly suggest not to use it, as it changes the paths and makes the installation of other tools more difficult. The above options provide the complete CUDA Toolkit for application development. Runtime components for deploying CUDA-based applications are available in ready-to-use containers from NVIDIA GPU Cloud.
- Go to cuDNN website and download cuDNN(v4) library files after registration.
- uncompress the files and copy files as follows
- Open bashrc file and add these lines
- Install CUDA 9.2 and cuDNN 7.1 for PyTorch (GPU) on Ubuntu 16.04 NVIDIA recently released CUDA 9.2 and cuDNN 7.1, which have been supported by PyTorch but not TensorFlow.
- Nvidia Driver [Warning] This is the most dangerous part in Ubuntu setting. Installing a wrong driver can make fatal errors for your system, e.g., infinite login loop. Thus, make sure to backup all your important files before installation.
- Installing Cuda Toolkit & cudDNN w/ Ubuntu 16.04 Documentation • 25 FEB 2018 • 2 mins read. Open a terminal by pressing Ctrl + Alt + T Copy all lines per codeblock and paste lines into terminal using Shift + Ctrl + V. To begin you must have the 384 (or later) NVidia drivers installed, this can easily be done from Ubuntu’s built in additional drivers (press windows key and search.
- How can the answer be improved?
- To verify our CUDA installation, install the sample tests by $ sudo./ After the installation finishes, configure the runtime library.
Install Cuda 6.5 Ubuntu 16.04
- Download Anaconda from here

- Restart the terminal or run
$ source ~/.bashrc
Tensorflow on Anaconda
- Follow the instruction of the office Tensorflow site
- If you have installed CUDA and cuDNN, then you may be able to install Tensorflow(gpu)
- Test if your Tensorflow is working
- To escape from the virtual conda environment, run
$ source deactivate
- If you see a failure message in
import tensorflow
even though you have successfully installed Tensorflow, it may be because you have usedsudo
during the installations of Anaconda or Tensorflow. - In this case, uninstall Anaconda (simply delete the Anaconda folder with
$ sudo rm -rf ~/anaconda2
) and correctly follow the instructions again. - If you have installed Tensorflow(gpu) but fail to load
, it may be because you didn’t change the permission of the lib files or edit .bashrc file. Please check the instruction for CUDA installation again.
Theano on Anaconda
-First, create a conda environment for Theano
- Search a proper version of Theano before installing it using
Python packages on Conda
- You can manage each Conda virtual environment, independently. In other words, you can install and use different versions of python packages in different virtual environment.
- After running the virtual environment by
source activate tf
, you can check the list of installed packages byconda list
- Here is some packages you may want to have installed. Note that we are going to use
conda install
instead ofpip install
- For loading
to python.
- Git for using GitHub repository
- Test if your Git is working
- R now supports Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
- First, edit
- After modification,
- You can download and install RStudio from here
Java, Ruby, and Jekyll
- The followings are thing required for Jekyll
- If you are using Ubuntu 14.04, you may get ruby v1.9 instead of v2.3. To get ruby v2.3, follow the instructions bellow.
* I will keep updating this post for including, e.g., CUDA installation on Ubuntu 16.04. for GPU computing.
The followings are additional notes for my Ubuntu setting.
Install Cuda Ubuntu 16.04 Server
Language setting (Korean)
- Language support - Install / Remove Languages - Check
- Keyboard input method system : fcitx
- Reboot
- Text Entry - click
- Add Hangul(Fcitx) - Set a shortcut for switch between EN/KOR as, e.g. Shift+Space
- Reboot if any problem occurs
- To prevent the sticky mouse cursor on the monitor edge, Screen Display - Sticky Edge Off
- Keyboard - Shortcut Tab
- I prefer to set my own shortcuts for Screenshots
- “Semi-maximize the window” is already assigned to “Ctrl+Super+Left/Right”
- Click and hold the super key to see shortcut assignemnets
Software from Ubuntu Software
- Atom editor
- VLC media player